Displacement Signals
Separation anxiety in canines is an emotional disorder easily treated with medications. According to the Delta Society, an organization that certifies therapy animals, when some dogs become anxious they may exhibit "displacement signals." These signals include yawning, lip-licking, averting their eyes, sniffing, pacing, blinking and scratching.
Dogs put in new situations can become anxious and nervous. Situations that cause anxiety in dogs vary in each dog since all dogs are individuals. An event that causes one dog extreme stress may not bother another dog at all. Predicaments that can cause a dog to stress out include the sound of thunder, being separated from the family, meeting a new dog, or change in environment.
So if Rover is feeling anxious due to an upset in the normal routine or because there is a thunderstorm in the area, he may scratch himself as a displacement signal. Just as hives are an outward display of anxiety in a human, itching and scratching is an outward display of anxiety in dogs.
Is Anxiety Causing My Dog to Itch?
Dogs have been around people since the first wolf puppy wormed his way into the heart of a curious caveman. Ever since then, they've been learning about what makes us tick. Dogs that can't quite figure things out may experience anxiety.