What Does It Mean When My Akita's Hair Is Falling Out?

Akitas can be born with hereditary disorders that range from hip dysplasia to autoimmune disorders. If an Akita's hair begins to fall out, especially on its face, the problem could be one of these hereditary issues, according to "Akitas."
  1. VKH-like

    • Akitas are genetically predisposed to develop an autoimmune disorder called Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like syndrome, or VKH-like syndrome. This disorder can develop in Akitas of either sex and shows up in all age groups.


    • Symptoms of VKH-like syndrome in Akitas include loss of hair around its eyes, nose and mouth. The skin exposed by hair loss is usually de-pigmented. It can lead to blindness, according to "The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion."


    • VKH-like syndrome can be treated with corticosteroid injections. Application of topical steroids and administering prednisone can also help control the disorder. With treatment, the dog's hair will stop falling out and hair growth will return to normal.