Why Do Dogs Eat Grass When They're Sick?

Many dogs are habitual grazers and munch on grass like goats do. Some veterinarians theorize that dogs eat grass because they do not have enough fiber in their daily diets. Many dogs also eat grass when they are sick.
  1. Considerations

    • Many dogs eat grass as well as other plants. Pet MD explains that dogs are opportunistic scavengers that have survived for thousands of years by eating anything that was available as long as it met their dietary needs and filled their stomachs. Even wild dogs eat grasses, fruits and berries on occasion.


    • Dogs eat grass when they are well and it does not make them vomit, but they also eat it when their stomachs are upset to help them throw up. Pet Library explains that, when dogs are nauseated, they gobble mouthfuls of grass rather than chewing. Many vets theorize that unchewed grass has a tickling effect on the stomach that stimulates vomiting.


    • Keep dogs from eating grass that has recently been sprayed with pesticides. Pet Library indicates that most pesticide products break down quickly, but they can be dangerous if eaten after recent application. Pet MD recommends taking a dog to the vet if it suddenly begins eating more grass than normal.