Golden Retrievers With Skin Problems

Golden retrievers are prone to developing hereditary health problems. Some of these health issues affect a dog's skin. Many golden retrievers with skin problems have a genetic predisposition to suffer from allergies.
  1. Problems

    • Golden retrievers can experience contact dermatitis as a result of allergies. Flea infestation can cause fleabite dermatitis. In cases of moist skin inflammation, a golden retriever will develop a painful hot spot on its skin. This is often triggered by matted hair or by allergies.


    • If your golden retriever is experiencing contact dermatitis, its skin will be itchy and red from inflammation. Fleabite dermatitis is characterized by intense scratching in areas where fleas have bitten your dog. A hot spot is a moist patch of skin marked by hair loss and oozing, according to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Golden Retrievers."


    • For both forms of dermatitis, removing the allergen causing the reaction will stop the skin inflammation. An antihistamine will help relieve your dog's symptoms. A hot spot can be treated by washing it with a Betadine and water solution. In extreme cases, your veterinarian can prescribe antibiotics and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation.