The first step to successful at-home flea treatment is prevention. This can be accomplished through frequent vacuuming, particularly in the areas where pets sleep. The vacuum bags should be constantly changed, as flea eggs can live inside the bags. Feeding your pet garlic and brewer's yeast may prevent fleas, as it causes an odor to emit from your dog's skin that repels fleas, according to Dr. Christine Makowski, a veterinarian, in "Mother Earth News."
A homemade flea powder can treat your pet's fleas. Using a jar with a lid, combine as many of the following ingredients as possible in equal amounts: fennel, eucalyptus, rosemary, wormwood, rue and yellow dock. Shake the mixture well, sprinkle it on your pet and comb thoroughly, according to Organic Pet Digest.
While killing fleas themselves is an easy task, their eggs are more difficult to kill. Fleas can lay between 20 to 30 eggs per day, causing a repetitive problem. Aggressive flea treatments need to be repeated frequently to break this cycle. Consistently washing your pet and using the homemade flea powder, as well as vacuuming, will help break the cycle.
Homemade Flea Prevention
Fleas are a common problem for pets and humans alike. While fleas are feeding, their saliva may enter the body of your pet, causing an allergen known as flea allergy dermatitis. However, simple homemade preventions can help control fleas.