Information About Inflamed Dog Ears

Your dog's appearance is often a good indicator of its health. A dog with clean, perked-up ears is usually healthy. A dog that often shakes its head or has inflamed ears is usually experiencing a health problem.
  1. Inflammation

    • If your dog's ears are inflamed, the skin on the inside will be red and irritated. The inflamed tissue could be warm to the touch. Ear inflammation can be accompanied by a foul smell or a discharge of yellow, green or reddish fluid.


    • Ear inflammation in dogs can be caused by allergies. It can also be a symptom of a bacterial or fungal infection inside the ears. Bacterial infections are often caused by Proteus or Pseudomonas bacteria, while fungal infections are usually caused by a yeast called malassezia A dog that tends to have allergic reactions in its ears will often be prone to ear infections.


    • Keeping a dog's ears clean will help reduce its risk of infection. Medicated ear drops can help clear an infection. Antihistamines can help soothe an allergic reaction, according to "The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook."