Symptoms of an Intestinal Obstruction in a Dog

Puppies and dogs alike seem to love to chew on toys, sticks and other items they find lying around. The problem arises when the animal swallows an object that becomes stuck in the intestinal tract. If you own a dog or puppy, the possibility of a foreign object blocking the intestinal tract is a real possibility. You may not even be aware your dog swallowed something it should not have, until it is too late, unless you are aware of the symptoms of an intestinal obstruction in a dog.
  1. Vomiting

    • Vomiting after eating is a symptom of an intestinal obstruction because neither food nor water is able to pass by the foreign body blocking the intestine. Vomiting generally occurs immediately after the dog attempts to eat or drink. Along with vomiting, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can occur because the dog is unable to digest any water or food. If the blockage is farther down in the intestine, vomiting may not occur immediately but rather approximately five to seven hours after eating.

    Painful Abdomen

    • Often, intestinal obstructions located farther down in the digestive tract will cause the dog a great deal of pain and discomfort. The dog may be hesitant to lie down or may whimper when its abdomen is touched.


    • A dog with an intestinal obstruction may develop diarrhea because muscle spasms speed up the contractions, or peristalsis, which moves food through the digestive tract. Any food present in the intestinal tract before the obstruction is quickly moved along, causing the elimination of feces before digestion is complete or excess water is absorbed. After a prolonged period, the dog may squat to try to make a bowel movement but, because of the obstruction, may only strain and not produce any solid feces.


    • A dog with an intestinal obstruction will eventually lose its appetite because its body is no longer able to digest food or take in nutrients.


    • An intestinal obstruction is painful and lethargy sets in. The dog will become weak and tired due to lack of food and nutrients and just not feeling well at all.


    • Fever occurs because ultimately the obstruction can cause a bacterial infection of the intestine.