Is it Normal to Have Urine Drops After Neutering a Dog?

It is normal to have urine drops appear or trickle out of the dog after a neutering operation for males or spaying for females. For 24 hours following surgery, the dog may urinate uncontrollably because of the affects of anesthesia.
  1. Time Frame

    • The dog should recover from anesthesia in less than 48 hours. Leaking urine, blood in the urine, whining in pain during urination or still being groggy after 48 hours can be signs of an infection from the surgery. Contact your veterinarian immediately.


    • Both male and female neutered puppies and dogs can become incontinent while they are sleeping. This is caused by lack of the sex hormone helping to keep the sphincter muscles closed. This is easily treatable with medication.


    • Dogs and puppies should be encouraged to urinate as soon as they can stand up after surgery in order to reduce chances of leaking or infection. Ask at the vet's office if the dog has already urinated before taking it home.


    • If a dog starts urinating in the house after weeks, months or years of no accidents, this could be the symptom of a bladder infection, diabetes or other illness. Take it to a vet as soon as possible.