Holistic Medicine for Epilepsy in a Dog

Epileptic seizures in your dog can be as painful to for you to witness as it is for your dog to go through them. With the potentially life-shortening side effects of anti-seizure medications, holistic treatment can seem preferable. However, some serious seizure conditions require medication to be controlled. Check with your veterinarian to determine the cause of your dog's seizures and verify the safety of holistic treatments or of discontinuing any medication.
  1. Herbal Remedies

    • Passion flower and skullcap are both thought to have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping dogs avoid seizures that are caused by over-stimulation. Hyoscyamus and belladonna are both believed to help with long-term seizure control, the latter being particularly useful in treating seizures associated with high fever. Cuprum mettalicum is believed not only to aid in controlling seizures, but also in treating the side effects of seizures, such as vomiting and mental dullness.

    Vitamin Therapy

    • Some types of canine epilepsy can be helped by supplementing your dog's diet with vitamin B6, magnesium and manganese, according to Dr. Roger DeHaan, a holistic veterinarian. A B6 deficiency in particular is believed by some veterinarians to be the cause of certain seizure disorders in both dogs and humans.


    • Although not intended as a substitute for medication, acupuncture in conjunction with drugs has been found to be beneficial to dogs with epilepsy. According to separate studies conducted by J. van Niekerk and Dr. Richard Joseph, acupuncture conducted near the the ear contributed to the longest periods of non-seizure activity in epileptic dogs.