How Do I Treat a Poodle's Ear Infection?

It can be heartbreaking to discover your poodle has an ear infection. According to Versatility in Poodles, the poodle ear canal is deep, dark and moist and serves as a great place for yeast and bacterial infections to accumulate. If not treated in a timely manner, an ear infection could cause a poodle immense pain and even complete hearing loss as a result. Learning the proper way to treat a poodle's ear infection is essential if you want your pooch to stay in the best condition possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Cloth
  • Veterinarian
  • Antibiotics
  • Ear wash/ointment
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      Clean the area around the infected ear thoroughly. Use scissors to trim away any hairs protruding into the infected ear. Rub a slightly damp cloth around the outer part of the infected ear to remove any dirt, debris or pus leaking from the infected ear.

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      Take the poodle to a veterinarian. Mites, ticks, allergies and even dirt and debris can cause a poodle's ear to become infected. A veterinarian will determine the exact cause of the poodle's ear infection and prescribe the appropriate medicine needed to treat the infection. Antibiotics and ear wash are usually prescribed to treat ear infections in poodles.

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      Give the prescribed medicine to the poodle. Follow all veterinarian and prescription label instructions carefully.

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      Clean the poodle's ears on a regular basis. Safari Standard Poodles recommends pulling or plucking a poodle's ear hair once every three to four weeks, because a poodle's ears can get infected from being too hairy.