How do I Compare Vets' Prices for Advantage for Dogs?

Advantage for dogs is a flea and tick control medication available at most veterinarian's offices. The medication can become quite expensive, especially if you have more than one dog. It is a good idea to do some price comparisons before you purchase the product from your veterinarian. This can help you save money for future veterinarian visits.

Things You'll Need

  • Phone book
  • Telephone
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      Call your regular veterinarian and ask him how much his office charges for Advantage. Find out if you need to come in for an office visit before you can buy the medication. If you are a regular patient or send him referrals of other patients, bring this up and ask for a discount.

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      Consult your local phone book for the phone numbers and locations of other veterinarian offices in your area. Start calling the closest ones to your home.

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      Ask the veterinarian offices in your area how much they charge for the medication. Find out if there is a discount for buying in bulk. Make sure the office does not require an office visit before you can buy the medication. Office visit costs will add to your bill.

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      Ask the offices you call if you can get a discount on the medication if you buy your dog food there. If you use specialty dog food, veterinarian offices may carry it. Since you would buy it anyway, it isn't an added cost and may get you a lower price on the medication.

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      Write down the price quotes given to you by the various offices as you go. When you're finished, find the lowest price on your list and visit that office for the Advantage.