How to Give a Canine Intranasal Bordetella Vaccine

The intranasal canine Bordetella (also known as kennel cough) vaccine is a great alternative to the injectable canine Bordetella vaccine. It is given without the use of a needle and is viewed by many professionals as more effective.


    • 1

      Remove the cap from the needle and inject a small amount of air into the sterile diluent.

    • 2

      Draw back on the syringe to remove all of the sterile diluent.

    • 3

      Inject the sterile diluent into the Bordetella vaccine vial and mix thoroughly.

    • 4

      Draw back on the syringe again to remove the vaccination mixture from the vial. Be sure to remove as much of the vaccine as possible.

    • 5

      Replace the cap on the needle and twist to remove the needle from the syringe.

    • 6

      Place the spray cap onto the end of the syringe. Twist the spray cap to secure it into place.

    • 7

      Hold your dog by the snout and spray equal amounts of the vaccine into each nostril.