What Are the Treatments for Fevers in Dogs?

In humans, detecting a high temperature can be as simple as a touch on the forehead or a quick check with a thermometer. For a dog, it is not quite as easy. Like humans, dogs can catch viruses, and they may exhibit fever symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite. There are a few things you can do to treat their fever and help them feel more comfortable.
  1. Water Cool-Down

    • If your dog has a fever, you can gradually bring down his temperature using water. Apply cool water to his fur, making sure to target his ears and feet. You can also blow a fan on him while his fur is wet. Measure his rectal temperature as you continue the cooling process. Once his temperature goes below 103 degrees, you should stop.

    Drinking Water

    • Many times a fever can be caused by or be the cause of dehydration. Giving your dog plenty of water will help him cool down his internal temperature. It can also help relieve the effects of dehydration, which mimic the effects of fever, such as lethargy and increased temperature.

    What Not to Do

    • Do not force your dog to drink water if he does not want to. It may cause him additional stress. Also, do not give your dog human medications intended to lower a fever, such as Tylenol and ibuprofen. They can be poisonous and cause serious harm to your pet.

    Call a Vet

    • If your dog has a fever over 103 degrees, call your vet. The doctor may recommend additional treatments you can try at home before bringing your dog in. If your dog has a temperature over 106 degrees, consider this an emergency and take your dog to a local animal-care facility.