How to Apply Advantage Every Two Weeks for a Flea Allergy

Advantage is a topical solution sold by Bayer HealthCare to kill fleas on dogs and cats for one month. For flea control on pets, a dose is applied between the animal's shoulder blades each month. However, for animals that suffer from flea allergy dermatitis, this may not be enough. Some veterinarians and pet owners are finding that applying this topical solution more frequently may help animals with flea allergies. In addition to applying the medication every two weeks, additional steps are necessary to help a pet cope with flea allergy dermatitis during the spring, summer and autumn.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet shampoo
  • Flea comb
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Bowl
  • Advantage
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    • 1

      Bathe your pet. (If your pet is a cat and bathing is difficult you can skip this step.)

    • 2

      Comb through the pet's fur with a flea comb. Dip the teeth of the comb in petroleum jelly so that the fleas will stick to the bristles.

    • 3

      Dip the comb into a bowl of warm, soapy water after each comb through your pet's fur. This will remove fleas from the comb, and they will drown in the bowl of water.

    • 4

      Apply the proper dose of Advantage for your pet's species and weight, but wait until 24 hours after the pet's bath.

    • 5

      Comb the pet with the flea comb each day until the comb is completely flea-free.

    • 6

      Reapply the proper dose of Advantage to your pet two weeks after the first dose.