Medications for Canine Kennel Cough

Kennel cough, a highly contagious illness found in dogs, is often treated with a variety of medications. According to the Doctors Foster and Smith website, medications for kennel cough are prescribed based on the severity of the condition. For instance, milder cases may only require cough suppressants or bronchodilators, whereas more severe cases require antibiotics as well. Medications that are often prescribed to treat kennel cough include aminophylline, doxycycline or trimethoprim-sulfa.
  1. Aminophylline

    • Aminophylline relaxes the smooth muscles in the airways, which can help reduce the symptoms of kennel cough. A bronchodilator, aminophylline provides relief from other diseases in which breathing is impaired, such as asthma and bronchitis, states the Pet Place website. While aminophylline is generally safe, it does stimulate the central nervous system and can cause side effects, including nervousness, anxiety and gastrointestinal problems. Aminophylline can also react with different medications, including certain diuretics, calcium channel blockers and ephedrine.


    • Often prescribed in more severe cases of kennel cough, doxycycline is an antibiotic that is commonly used in infections that are caused by bacteria, as kennel cough is. This antibiotic inhibits the synthesis of protein with bacteria, which results in their death. Veterinarians commonly prescribe doxycycline in conjunction with cough suppressants and bronchodilators. Side effects of doxycycline include diarrhea, vomiting and loose stool.


    • Trimethroprim is an antibiotic that typically becomes more effective when combined with a sulfa drug, as trimethoprin-sulfa is. Dr. Dawn Ruben of the Pet Place website states that trimethoprim-sulfa kills a variety of bacteria, typically including the kind that are found in kennel cough. This drug is also used to eliminate certain parasites, such as coccidia and the microorganism responsible for toxoplasmosis. Trimethoprim-sulfa should not be used in dogs with liver impairment or blood disorders, as it can cause further damage. Moreover, this drug has the potential to cause dry eye, liver inflammation, fever and facial swelling.