Magnesium Chloride and Pets

Ice can be a slip-and-fall hazard around the house. The products used to get rid of ice, including those containing magnesium chloride, can be a hazard to house pets.
  1. Magnesium Chloride

    • Magnesium chloride is used in ice melt products, which are typically used around the home to get rid of ice on driveways and walkways. Pets can be exposed to it if they lick or eat the ice melt or walk on icy areas covered in it.


    • An animal that has ingested magnesium chloride can experience muscle weakness and irregular heart rhythms. It can also cause the pet's blood pressure to drop to abnormally low levels. If walked on, it can burn the animal's paws.


    • Ice melts containing other active ingredients can cause more serious health effects in pets. It is best to keep pets away from all deicing products to preserve their health, according to "Small Animal Toxicology."


    • Pet friendly deicing products are available at many pet and hardware stores. They can cost more than traditional ice melts, but are safer for pets.