Flea Powders
Powdered herbs are mixed together to create an organic flea remedy. Flea powders are made at home using powdered herbs that are combined and sprinkled over the coat of the animal infected by fleas. According to Organic Pet Digest, powdered herbs, such as eucalyptus, rosemary, fennel, rue, wormwood and yellow dock, can be mixed together to create a custom blend of flea powder for ridding an animal of the pests. This method is safe for animals and can be used frequently until the fleas die.
Skin Tonics
Lemons have natural antiseptic properties. Animals that are suffering from flea bites and infestations endure painful skin irritations. Juliette de Bairacli Levy, the pioneer of holistic veterinary medicine, created a skin tonic especially for the skin of animals to alleviate itching and burning using lemons seeped in water. This tonic is made of lemon water and used daily until the animal's skin condition improves. Levy's lemon tonic is an all-natural antiseptic using ingredients found in most homes, with a pleasant scent and no harsh chemicals.
Treating Bedding
Wherever a flea-infested animal rests or sleeps, the fleas will find a new home. The bedding where animals rest or sleep will become infested with fleas carried by the animal. This includes couches, owner's beds or the animal's bedding. Organic Pet Digest says an natural remedy to repel fleas on any bedding that can be washed involves eucalyptus and lavender oils. Adding at least 10 drops of either of these oils to the hot, soapy water used to wash the bedding or bed clothes will be effective in keeping the fleas out of the bed.
Natural Homemade Flea Remedies
The benefits of using a commercial flea remedy to repel or kill fleas may outweigh the health hazards and toxicity concerns, but natural homemade flea remedies can replace these chemicals without the worries of poisons. Homemade flea remedies are made of natural ingredients, so they are safe for humans and pets.