Supplements for Dogs With Autoimmune Issues

Dogs of any age or breed can suffer from auto immune issues. Auto immune issues can occur as a result of poor diet, allergy and excessive dosage of antibiotics or steroids. Diseases commonly associated with auto immune deficiency include Addison's Disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome and various allergies. A range of supplements can strengthen a weak immune system.
  1. Astragalus

    • Astragalus is a member of the pea family. Some people believe its dried roots have many beneficial properties for weak immune systems. There is no scientific proof of the benefits of Astragalus, but it has been a common supplement for humans and animals in Eastern medicine for centuries. The immune system benefits of Astragalus are linked to its ability to stimulate the growth of white blood cells.

    Milk Thistle

    • Milk thistle is a widely available dietary supplement popular for humans and pets. The main active agent in milk thistle is silymarin, which is a liver protector. Silymarin or milk thistle supplements are available for dogs as chewable tablets.

    Cat's Claw

    • Cat's claw is commonly used as an anti inflammatory supplement for dogs. Human consumption of this Amazonian vine has a long history. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, cat's claw is being studied for its auto immune benefits in people, with a specific focus on HIV and Crohn's Disease. Most natural supplements used by humans are safe for dogs, but always check with your vet first.


    • Carrots are rich in Vitamin A and antioxidants, both of which are good for a strong immune system. The beauty of giving carrots as a dietary supplement for dogs with auto immune issues is that they are easy to prepare and dogs love the taste. You can give the carrot raw and treat it as a healthy chew toy or you can gently boil a few carrots and mash them up in your dog's regular food.

    Whole Grains

    • Auto immune issues are frequently linked with poor digestion. Adding whole grains in any form to your dog's food will have a beneficial effect on the immune system. A little cooked oatmeal or brown rice sprinkled over your dog's dinner is an effective way of boosting fiber intake and improving the immune system.

    Natural Yogurt

    • Yogurt contains healthy bacteria which promote healthy digestive function. You only need to mix in a tablespoon of natural yogurt with your dog's dinner to deliver a healthy amount of the good bacteria that all animals need for properly functioning gut. Yogurt is rich in calcium as well, so it has additional health benefits.