Seizures After a Distemper Shot

It's very rare for dogs or puppies to be allergic to a distemper vaccination shot. Moreover, since distemper is such a highly contagious disease, it is far more likely that a dog would die from distemper than from a distemper vaccination.
  1. Significance

    • Developing seizures after a distemper shot means that the dog or puppy is allergic to the vaccine. This is an extreme reaction that demands immediate veterinary attention in order to save the dog's life.

    Time Frame

    • Seizures, breathing difficulties or other extreme side effects of distemper vaccinations occur within a half hour of the injection. In order to be sure a dog or puppy is not allergic, remain at the vet's office for a half hour after the vaccination.


    • In the past, distemper vaccines could trigger seizures or other problems with the dog's nervous system because the vaccine was made from a modified live form of the distemper virus. The shots are now made with a killed virus.


    • When a dog develops distemper, it often goes into seizures before dying. Puppies are especially vulnerable, which is why they need to be vaccinated at six to eight weeks of age. If the puppy has already caught distemper, the vaccination shot will be ineffective. However, the seizures and death of the puppy or dog may make it seem as if the vaccination were responsible.