Dental Facts and Information About Chocolate Labs

Caring for a chocolate lab's teeth is simple, but very important. Without dental care, chocolate labs are easily affected by periodontal disease, which can lead to other, more serious problems. A little daily care and regular dental checkups go a long way to keeping a dog's teeth healthy.
  1. Home Care

    • One of the most important things dog owners can do to ensure the health of their chocolate lab's teeth is to feed it dry kibble instead of wet food or table scraps. They should also brush their dog's teeth regularly with a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs, as well as provide it with plenty of sturdy chewing toys.

    Veterinary Care

    • Dogs should have a veterinary dental checkup and cleaning at least every two years. Vets usually anesthetize dogs for dental cleanings. They can also provide X-rays if there is concern about the health of the dog's teeth.

    Common Problems

    • Periodontal disease is one of the most common dental problems in dogs. This is inflammation of the gums. Its first indication is bad breath, but progresses to cause tender, bleeding gums and eventually tooth loss. While the chances of this are affected by age, genetics and other factors, the best way to prevent this is through consistent, thorough dental care, both at home and at the vet.