Natural Parasite Cleanse for Dogs

Parasites are a common problem with dogs. Many pet owners seek to use a natural cleanse for dogs to rid their pets of parasites because these treatments are thought to be less harsh than commercially prepared products.
  1. Ingredients

    • Some of the ingredients that are usually included in a natural parasite cleanse for dogs are black walnut, wormwood and cloves. Water from boiled parsley also can be given to a dog to aid the kidneys in removing toxins during a cleanse.


    • Black walnut and wormwood kill 100 different parasites in their adult stage, while clove kills the parasite eggs. All three should be taken together because if you kill only the adults, the eggs remain and will hatch and reinfest the host.


    • Some pets are severely infested with parasites and should be given small amounts over a period of time to prevent them from getting sick. Dogs who are having an adverse reaction to an herbal parasite cleanse should be taken for veterinary care.