Human Foods and Products That Are Poisonous or Bad for Dogs

Dogs have a history of finding out how to get a taste of human food. From begging or getting in the trash to getting up on the table or counter, dogs can get their paws on all kinds of food and products. Unfortunately, many items that are perfectly fine for humans can be poisonous to dogs. Some common food and household products pose dangerous risks to a dog's health.
  1. Chocolate

    • One of the more commonly known foods that can be deadly to dogs is chocolate. Theobromine, a chemical in chocolate, is exceedingly poisonous and can be fatal in large doses. The higher the percentage of chocolate in the product, the more dangerous it is to dogs.


    • Onions contain a chemical that breaks down red blood cells, causing severe anemia in dogs. Onions can cause liver damage, convulsions, intestinal distress and death.

    Grapes and Raisins

    • Studies show that even small amounts of grapes or raisins can cause acute kidney failure in dogs, which often leads to death. Grapes and raisins also can cause other less severe symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.


    • The large amounts of caffeine in coffee can prove harmful to dogs. Symptoms include abdominal pain, seizures, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, and, in severe cases, coma and death.


    • Alcohol can be extremely harmful to dogs. It actually has the same effect on dogs as it does in humans. Due to their smaller body mass, dogs can be poisoned by ingesting even small amounts of alcohol.


    • Just about all prescriptions and medications meant for humans can cause harmful results if ingested by dogs. Acetaminophen, the drug found in pain reliever medications like Tylenol, has been known to cause liver failure in dogs.


    • Antifreeze is a coolant used in automobiles. It is highly poisonous to dogs and can quickly kill the dog if ingested. Antifreeze sometimes leaks from parked automobiles. Pet that have access to a garage or driveway are at risk.

    House and Garden Plants

    • Numerous plants are toxic to dogs. From lilies and hydrangeas to poinsettias and rhubarb, common household and garden plants be detrimental if ingested by a curious pet.