How to Alkalize Dog Fleas

When your pet becomes alkalized, or when its pH level is above seven, fleas will not be attracted to it. Other than preventing fleas, keeping your dog at an alkalized state can help it carry fewer diseases like internal and external inflammation, and your dog will not be susceptible to dangerous parasites. Most dogs have a neutral pH of 7.0 or 7.1 on a scale of 14, so maintaining this balance can help your dog's health, according to the Pet Escentials website.

Things You'll Need

  • Uncooked meat
  • Grains
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Low carbohydrate dog food
  • Garlic supplements
  • Flax seed oil
  • Purified water
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      Put your dog on a raw or uncooked food diet. Begin the diet by lightly cooking beef, chicken, turkey or lamb and then feeding the meat to your dog. Cook the meat as little as possible until you feel comfortable enough to feed your dog raw meat. As a side, feed your dog oats, uncooked brown rice, mashed potatoes, sliced carrots and celery. Change the meals every couple of days to help balance your dog's diet.

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      Feed your dog natural and low or no carbohydrate dog food. Larger pet stores typically carry specialized dog food that can help alkalize your dog. Check for an indication of naturally low or no carbohydrates on the bag of dog food.

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      Add supplements like flax seed oil and garlic into your dog's food. Purchase the supplements at an animal store or as prescribed by your veterinarian. Read the bottle to see the dosage you should be giving to your dog. If you purchase the supplements at a pet store, consult your veterinarian first.

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      Give your dog clean or purified water from a bottle or a filter system. Clean water will help keep acidic elements such as lead and other metals from entering your dog's system. Lead and chloride are accidental ingredients that are usually found in tap water.