How to Get Rid of Fleas on a Pregnant Dog

Female dogs have a gestation of nine weeks. During this time it is important to keep the mother-to-be free from fleas. Fleas that are ingested can cause tapeworms. Many regular chemical flea medications are out of the question during pregnancy because they can cause damage to the unborn pups. It is possible to get rid of the fleas on your pregnant dog using all-natural methods. This is much safer for both the mother dog, and her puppies.

Things You'll Need

  • Mild unscented dish soap
  • Water
  • Empty shampoo bottle
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Juniper essential oil
  • Flea comb
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    • 1

      Create a homemade flea shampoo to use on your pregnant dog. Start by filling an empty shampoo bottle three quarters full with some mild unscented dish soap.

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      Add five drops of rosemary essential oil, five drops of lavender essential oil, five drops of eucalyptus essential oil, and five drops of juniper essential oil. The soap alone will kill the fleas, but these essential oils are flea repellents and will protect your pregnant dog from becoming infested with fleas again.

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      Close the lid and give the ingredients a shake.

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      Fill your bathtub with three inches of lukewarm bath water. Dogs don't like warm or hot water so make sure you test it before immersing your pregnant dog.

      Note: If your pregnant dog is small, only add one to two inches of bath water.

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      Place your pregnant dog in the bathtub and lather her with your homemade flea shampoo. Let the shampoo sit for five minutes and then rinse. The fleas will now be dead.

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      Keep the dog in the bathroom and comb through her hair with a flea comb. This will remove the dead fleas from her fur.