How to Use Cranberry Juice Extract to Treat Dog Tear Stains

Many breeds of dog suffer from a problem known as Chromodacryorrhea, or bloody tears. This disorder is the result of bacteria and yeast which react with tears and can cluster in the hair and eyelids of unlucky animals. There are a large number of factors which can lead to tear stains in you dog; the most common are improper diet, irritation and infection from facial hair, stress, common exposure to cigarette smoke, and poor pH balance in water and food. Because Chromodacryorrhea can be caused by bacterial infections, some vets and groomers recommend cranberry juice extract as a possible treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • Cranberry extract for dogs
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      Locate and purchase cranberry extract for your dog. There are a number of different brands available. Inquire at your local pet supply shop, or check online vendors if you have trouble finding the extract.

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      Measure out a single scoop of extract and coat your dog's food with it. One scoop is roughly equivalent to 1 tbsp. Do this for two meals each day, ensuring that the dog eats the extract.

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      Apply some extract directly to a spoonful of peanut butter if the dog is hesitant to eat the extract from its food bowl. Peanut butter is a like a treat to most dogs, and is a convenient medium to use when trying to feed your dog medicine or supplements.

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      Monitor your dog's tear stains. According to Jay Jacovitz of KnowYourDog, cranberry extract should treat a number of health problems in your dog by adjusting the pH level of its diet to be more acidic. You may want to groom your dog's facial hair to keep it from brushing against its eyes. If you are a smoker, don't smoke indoors or near the dog to keep from irritating its eyes. After a few weeks of cranberry extract, you should notice a great reduction in the production of tear stains.