Brain Stem Tumor in a Canine

Just like humans, dogs can develop cancer anywhere in the body, including in the brain. Brain tumors are more common in older dogs and in breeds like boxers and Boston terriers.
  1. Brain Stem Tumors

    • A brain stem tumor is a mass that grows on a dog's brain stem. It could begin in the brain or it could have spread there from cancer somewhere else in the dog's body, according to the North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.


    • The brain stem helps control mobility and wakefulness. Symptoms of a brain tumor include loss of balance, or muscle weakness on one side of a dog's body. In severe cases, a dog can have trouble breathing or swallowing.


    • Brain stem tumors in dogs are difficult to treat surgically because they are difficult to reach. Any damage to the brain stem could kill the dog. Radiation therapy can help. Veterinarians can also recommend palliative care.