Veterinarian Medications for Arthritis in Dogs

Arthritis is defined as an inflammation of one or more joints. Dogs can suffer from arthritis just as do humans, although some breeds are more prone to arthritis than other breeds. Medication is one method of treatment for arthritis and learning about what medications are used can be helpful when making medical decisions for your dog.
  1. Rimadyl

    • Rimadyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug noted to provide rapid relief from swelling and inflammation. Rimadyl is widely prescribed for arthritis pain in dogs, and in cases when it cannot completely control the dog's pain, a narcotic, such as hydrocodone or codeine, also may be prescribed. Rimadyl does have the disadvantage of causing liver damage in some dogs. The reaction is most common in Labrador retrievers, but other breeds may be affected as well.


    • Glucosamine, which is harvested from sea mollusks, is a long-term supplement that helps build up the dog's cartilage. Over a long period of time, glucosamine allows the dog to repair damaged cartilage, which will reduce the pressure and swelling on the surrounding tissues. Since glucosamine does take 1 to 2 months to work, it can be combined with pain relievers to help the dog cope with the pain.


    • Prednisdone is a corticosteroid hormone that prevents swelling, whether or not it is related to arthritis. It also can help in the treatment of itchy skin or immune system-related diseases. When taken long term, however, prednisone can lead to several health issues, including suppression of the immune system, problems with healing and muscular weakness. While prednisone can be given to a dog for immediate relief, it should not be given as long-term therapy.


    • Deramaxx is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug often prescribed for arthritis. It comes in the form of chewable, beef-flavored tablets, making the drug more palatable to the dog. It can reduce pain, inflammation and fever, and it also is prescribed for dogs with hip dysplasia or after recent surgery. Like Rimadyl, it is fast-acting and suitable for all breeds.