What Shots Will My Puppy Receive in His First Visit?

While some puppies are given their first shots by their breeders, rescue puppies or puppies that are adopted young may need to be taken to the veterinarian by their owner for their first shots. According to Pet Place, the first round of shots can be administered when the puppy is about 12 weeks old. There are several shots that the puppy may be given during its first visit.
  1. Rabies Shot

    • The rabies shot is the only shot for dogs that is required by law. It prevents the puppy from being infected by the fatal rabies virus. Depending on the type of rabies vaccination that is administered, the puppy needs to return for a rabies booster shot every one to three years. Proof of a current rabies shot is essential if there is suspicion that your puppy or dog has been bitten by an infected animal, and a current rabies shot can prevent your dog from being euthanized.

    Distemper Shot

    • Though the shot is ordinarily known as the distemper shot, it provides the puppy with immunity against a number of different illnesses. Not only does it protect against distemper, it will also prevent parainfluenza, parvovirus, and hepatitis. The shot is also known as the DHPP vaccine, with one initial standing for each disease. The distemper shot, along with the rabies shot, are the two shots most commonly given to puppies, and they are seen as essential for the puppy's health.

    Lyme Disease Shot

    • The vaccination for Lyme disease is only recommended for puppies that roam in areas that are known to have high incidents of the disease. While some areas have many reports of Lyme disease in dogs, others have none. One of the problems of the Lyme disease shot is that it can impair the puppy's immune system, but depending on geographic location, it may be necessary. Even in areas where there are reports of Lyme disease, you may opt to skip the shot and instead to discuss flea and tick prevention with the veterinarian.

    Deworming Shot

    • According to the Dog Guide, most puppies are born with roundworms. The breeder or shelter will likely start deworming shots when the puppy is as young as 2 weeks old, and during the first visit to the veterinarian, the veterinarian will administer a booster shot.