How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Golden Retrievers

Like all dogs, golden retrievers are prone to getting urinary tract infections due to bacteria ingested through spoiled food or bacteria entering the urethra and infecting the bladder or kidneys. There are two different types of urinary tract infections. An upper urinary tract infection is when the kidneys become infected and a lower urinary tract infection is when the bladder and urethra are infected. By treating your golden retriever's urinary tract infection, you are helping to keep the infection from spreading or becoming worse.


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      Make sure your golden retriever has access to go out to use the bathroom as much as it needs to. When dogs hold their urine for a long period of time, the bacteria can irritate the bladder, causing the infection to become worse. Also, make sure that your golden retriever has fresh water available at all times.

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      Give your golden retriever dog-friendly cranberry tablets. Some owners will feed their dog cranberry juice once a day to help clear out the infection, however because golden retrievers are so big, they would need to drink multiple glasses of cranberry juice a day to gain the effects of only one cranberry tablet.

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      Watch your golden retriever closely. If you suspect that the infection is not going away and getting worse, take your golden retriever to the veterinarian. Symptoms you may notice in advanced urinary tract infections include frequent urination, drinking frequently, blood in the urine and urine with a foul smell.

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      Follow your veterinarian's instructions to the best of your abilities. Antibiotics or antimicrobial drugs will be prescribed in order to treat your golden retriever's urinary tract infection. The type of drug prescribed will usually depend on the stage the infection is in. It usually takes two to three weeks of antibiotics in order to treat your golden retriever's infection. Be sure not to allow your golden retriever to miss doses because this can cause the infection to not be cured. (Reference 1)

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      Follow up with your veterinarian as often as needed to be sure that the urinary tract infection is cleared up. Just because you have taken all the steps to treat your golden retrievers urinary tract infection does not mean that it is completely gone.