How to Take Care of a 6 Month Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are one of the oldest dog breeds in North America, originating from the Chihuahua region of Mexico. Chihuahuas are among the smallest dogs in the world, with the average Chihuahua weighing from 2 to 6 pounds. Caring for Chihuahua puppies is generally no different than for any other type of puppy, but some of the details do differ compared to larger dogs.

Things You'll Need

  • $50 a month for supplies and food
  • Harness and leash
  • Food and water
  • Puppy toys
  • Time to play and train the puppy
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    • 1

      Provide water and food for the Chihuahua puppy. Chihuahuas that are 6 months old need to eat twice a day, unlike a 2- or 3-month-old that needs to eat four times a day. Overfeeding this breed can have negative long-term effects on the dog's joint and bone health. Provide dog food containing more protein, such as meat or fish, rather than grains. Provide fresh water regularly, preferably in a heavy container made from ceramic, stainless steel or unbreakable glass that the puppy cannot tip over. However, be sure it is not too large for the puppy to fall into.

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      Supply a place for the Chihuahua puppy to sleep and rest. Puppies need lots of sleep, up to 14 hours a day. Make sure they have a warm safe place to rest. It is important for Chihuahua puppies to feel part of the "pack," so do not isolate the puppy in a garage. Instead, try a quiet area inside the home. Small crates provide a safe place for the puppy to rest and stay in when home alone. Chihuahua puppies should not be left alone for long periods of time if possible. Wash the puppy's bedding regularly.

    • 3

      Shop for a harness, toys and other Chihuahua accessories. Harnesses work better for Chihuahuas than regular collars as the harnesses keep their small throats safe. Toys provide hours of entertainment and chewing fun for Chihuahua puppies and will help keep them from chewing furniture or other items you don't want them chewing. Play with the dog for short but frequent time periods. Chihuahuas tend to be easily chilled, especially if the home is cold, so they will need to wear a sweater or coat to stay warm in a chilly house or outside in cold weather.

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      Make a veterinary appointment. The Chihuahua likely already saw the vet a few weeks after its birth, but a six-month checkup is a good idea, especially if the puppy is new to you. If the puppy has never taken heartworm medication, the veterinarian will test for heartworm and prescribe heartworm medication if needed. Some known Chihuahua disorders to ask the veterinarian about include collapsing trachea, luxating patella, heart conditions, hypoglycemia and dental disease.

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      Walk the dog. Chihuahuas might be one of the smallest breeds in the world, but they still need daily exercise. Exercise will help the puppy burn excess energy and be calmer throughout the day. Socializing is also very important for the well being of a Chihuahua puppy, which gives it more confidence and pleasure. However, be aware of other dogs that can easily injure the puppy due to its small size.

    • 6

      Treat the dog as a dog, and not a child. It is hard not to want to baby these little cuddly creatures, but this behavior can be one the worst things for the dog's development. Chihuahua puppies are dogs and enjoy acting like dogs. Distinguish yourself as the pack leader and praise it for following direction from you. Proper training and obedience is especially important at the age of six months to establish a well-behaved and balanced dog.