Holistic Remedies for Canine Nausea

From time to time, dogs get bouts of stomach upset and nausea. Canine nausea can be the result of any number of things ranging from a feast of trash to a stressful car ride. Once major health threats such as foreign objects or poisoning have been ruled out by a veterinarian, pet owners can provide medication to relieve the nausea. Though there are many anti-nausea and anti-vomiting medications available, relief can be provided using safe, holistic approaches.
  1. Catnip

    • A catnip tincture (a liquid medicine usually made with alcohol but sometimes with honey or glycerin) can be quite effective in relieving acute canine nausea or vomiting caused by stressful events. Dogs should be given approximately 12 to 20 drops per 20 lb. of body weight. If a tincture is unavailable, a catnip tea will have the same effects.


    • Though all mint varieties are effective in relieving nausea and stomach upset, the most commonly used type for medicinal purposes is peppermint. Mint provides a mild anesthetic action that relieves not only nausea, but also the desire to vomit. It relaxes the abdominal muscles, relieves flatulence and stimulates digestive juices. Mint can be given to dogs as dried leaves, tea or tincture. Avoid menthol, mint extract and peppermint oil as these are highly concentrated and will harm your dog.


    • Alfalfa is a known dietary aid that neutralizes hyperacidity in digestive track. Alfalfa is also rich in vitamin K, which helps the rebuilding of the intestinal wall. This is important as the intestinal wall can be damaged during bouts of vomiting. Alfalfa is available as capsules, infusions, liquid extracts, dried herb powders and sprouts.


    • If a canine's nausea is caused by motion sickness, a piece of fresh ginger can help. Ginger's antispasmodic (relieving or preventing spasms) properties soothe the stomach and stop nausea and stomach pains.


    • Acupuncture has long been an important part of holistic health in humans. Acupuncture can have the same relieving effects on pets when done by a professional. According to Barbara Fougere, BVSc, "There is a point called Stomach 36, located just below the stifle (knee)... Acupuncture at this point relieves nausea and vomiting."