How to Recognize Dog Worms

A host of different worms can infect dogs. Some, such as roundworm, are relatively harmless, while others, like heartworm, can be fatal. These parasites cause a wide range of health problems, from digestive upsets to dry hair. The most important step in recognizing dog worms is knowing the signs and symptoms of an infestation. Most varieties can be treated fairly easily if caught early in the infection.


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      Pay attention to your dog's eating habits and behavior. Signs of a worm infestation include lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting.

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      Check the animal's stool for signs of infestation. Worms are especially visible immediately after the dog has eliminated. Roundworms are long and white and look much like pieces of spaghetti. Tapeworms occasionally stick to feces or around the dog's anus, where they look like tiny, wiggling pieces of white rice.

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      Examine the dog's bedding. Tapeworm segments are sometimes expelled while the animal sleeps. Once the segments dry out, they resemble small pieces of brown rice.

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      Take the dog to the vet for an examination immediately if you suspect a problem. Some worms, such as heartworm, whipworm and hookworm, are not visible in the stool and must be checked by a veterinarian.