How to Give a Puppy Mouth to Mouth Rescue Breathing

A puppy is more than a pet---it is a part of your family. As with any other family member, emergency situations can arise in which your dog needs your help. In situations where a puppy has suddenly stopped breathing due to poisoning, injury, choking or other illnesses, it may be necessary to perform artificial respiration, or mouth-to-muzzle resuscitation. (See References 1)


    • 1

      Check to see if the puppy is breathing by placing a small piece of paper, tissue or fabric in front of his nose. If the puppy is breathing, the object should move with the puppy's breath. Alternately, place your ear next to the nose and listen.

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      Lay the puppy on its right side. Clear its mouth of any foreign objects or vomit.

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      Pull the tongue forward until its tip lines up with or is slightly past the puppy's canine teeth. This keeps the tongue from blocking the dog's airway as you attempt resuscitation.

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      Turn the puppy on its back. Hold its mouth together with your hands, keeping its head straight and in line with the rest of its body.

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      Place your lips close to the puppy's nose. For the best results, place your lips around the nose. This ensures that the air flows into the puppy's airways.

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      Blow slowly but firmly into the nose. The puppy's chest should expand. Keep breathing until the puppy begins to breathe on its own. PetMD recommends using one breath every three seconds.