Home Remedies for Stopping Anxiety in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from anxiety. The most common form for canines is separation anxiety. However, dogs can also become anxious over stressful situations within a home, loud noises, sudden changes in the surroundings such as a move and the addition of new pets. While there are prescription medications available to treat canine anxiety, it is less expensive and some say healthier to use natural remedies you can find within your home.
  1. Chamomile Tea

    • Chamomile is a herb that calms the nerves and often induces sleep in humans and dogs. Give your dog a few sips (or licks) of chamomile tea before a stressful event. You can also soak food or treats in the tea to ensure the dog will eat it and the tea will be absorbed. Chamomile tea can be found at most health food stores as well as regular grocery stores and mass merchandise chains.


    • Aromatherapy has been proven to help humans and it can be quite effective in aiding dogs with nervousness and anxiety issues. Stimulate your dog's sense of smell with soothing aromas such as lavender and vanilla. Use a plug-in air freshener that slowly releases the scent or a stick diffuser that burns away a stick to release the scent. Newer motion-detecting spray systems also work well.


    • Oats have great nerve-calming qualities and are extremely healthy as well. Pure (no preservatives and extra flavorings added) oatmeal can be cooked and added to the dog's normal food, dry or wet. Cook a cup of oatmeal and serve during the meal before an anxious event that might cause the dog to have an anxiety problem.

    Other Herbs

    • Several herbs have been found to be effective in calming anxiety. Herbs can be added to water, consumed whole orally or rubbed onto a dog's paw or behind the ear. A mixture of ginger root, chamomile, passion flower and valerian root has been show to relieve anxious tendencies.