Ear Examination
Insect bites can cause a dog's ear to swell. Performing an ear examination is the first step in evaluating the dog's ear. If the swelling is confined to one area, it may be the result of a insect bite or sting and can be easily treated with a topical antibiotic. A swelling that has suddenly appeared could be an indication of an allergy.
Dogs with large, droopy ears are most at risk from infection. One of the most common problem in dogs, ear infections can cause swelling, itching and discharge. Infection can occur in the outer ear (otitis externa) or middle ear (otitis media) and may require antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Dogs with large and droopy or hair-filled ears are most at risk.
A hematoma is a common reason for a swollen ear, particularly in older dogs. Ear swelling in dogs can also be caused by a blood blister, known as a hematoma. This is most often caused by chronic head shaking, common in older dogs, which leads to internal bleeding. A hematoma can be surgically drained by a veterinarian.
Abscesses are less common in dogs but can cause a painful ear swelling. An abscess can also cause a dog's ear to swell. Although less common in dogs, an abscess is a painful, pus-filled swelling that can rapidly appear on the animal. Abscesses are generally caused by a foreign body and can be drained by a veterinarian.
What Makes A Dog's Ears Swell?
A dog's ears are a vital part of its anatomy; they provide it with auditory information, help it to dissipate body heat, control its temperature and demonstrate its mood. When a swelling occurs, it is crucial to find the causes and treat it as soon as possible.