My Dog Has an Itchy Spot That Won't Heal

If your dog has an itchy spot that won't heal, chances are you are dealing with a common problem that plagues many dogs called a "hot spot." Hot spots are also called pyotraumatic dermatitis and are the result of a small irritation that has become a large inflammation due to your dog's efforts to find some relief. These areas of irritation can become infected, causing a much bigger health problem for you and your dog if you don't address it early.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric shaver
  • Calming product
  • Water
  • Soap
  • Antibiotics (optional)
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream (optional)
  • Cortisone injection (optional)


    • 1

      Shave the area where the hot spot is growing. Carefully shave around the wound itself and about 1/2-inch all around the open area. Do not allow the blade direct contact with the sore. This step is important as the area needs to be kept clean and free of dirt and fur which will aggravate the condition. If you do not have a shaver or are squeamish about shaving your dog, consult a groomer or take your dog to your veterinarian. Do not use scissors to cut the fur because that may cause further irritation. It is crucial that the area be clean shaved.

    • 2

      Clean the area well with a solution of mild soap and warm water or dog shampoo. Use cotton balls soaked in warm water, or a cloth that is non-abrasive, such as a piece of t-shirt material. Do not use terry cloth as the roughness of the cloth will cause pain.

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      Debride the area carefully by removing dead tissue, oozing fluids, blood, scabbing and impacted fur and dirt. Use a soft, gentle outward stroke. Begin in the center and stroke away towards the outer rim of the itchy spot. Clean your cloth between strokes. If the scabbing is hardened or difficult to remove, moisten it with warm water until it becomes easier to remove.

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      Dry the area well with a clean cloth by patting, not rubbing, the wound.

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      Apply an anti-itch cream thinly over the area. There are products on the market for itching which can be used for both humans and dogs. Calming products such as sprays that contain lavender and chamomile are also effective in helping to lessen irritation and itching.

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      Stop your dog from biting at the area whenever you see this behavior. Clap your hands and give a firm "NO" when you see your dog chewing or biting at the area; or consult your veterinarian on the use of an "E-collar" which will prevent your dog from being able to reach the area.

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      Keep the area clean and dry and covered with a thin coating of hydrocortisone cream until the itching is relieved and the itchy spot is significantly healed.