When a dog experiences immune-mediated poloyarthritis, the animal's immune system is causing a response in the joints that results in inflammation. Although this condition can affect dogs of all breeds and ages, females are at the highest risk. Because this condition can be a health concern for your canine, it’s important to seek care for her right away.
Evaluate your pet for symptoms. Dogs who experience this condition may have pain while walking or standing. You may also notice a reluctance to eat, accompanied by a fever and lethargy.
Take your dog to the vet for an examination. Because this condition causes joint pain, you should have someone help carry your canine to the car. This will minimize the pain the dog experiences. Contact the vet;s offfice in advance and notify them of your impending arrival.
Design a treatment plan for your dog. Canines who experience this condition respond well to immunosuppressive drugs. Animals who are very ill may require intravenous fluids.
Watch your dog closely. Make sure she is responding to therapy. If she becomes increasing lethargic or appears to be in pain, seek additional medical care.
Administer medication. Immune-mediated polyarthritis requires continued care. Giving your dog medication as directed will allow her to have a higher quality of life.