Pink Eye Symptoms in Dogs

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is a condition where there is inflammation or an infection of the tissue lining of the eyelids. When this tissue flares up it causes irritation to the entire eye, including the sclera, or white portion of the eyeball. When this happens the eye appears red or pink, which is why it is often to referred to as pink eye. It is important to know the symptoms of pink eye in dogs so you are able to take the appropriate steps to remedy the condition.

  1. Redness

    • A dog with pink eye will have a red appearance to its eye. The color can be light to dark red or bloodshot looking. Fluid build-up and the intensification in the size and number of blood vessels within the tissue is the cause of the red or pink color.


    • The membranes of the eye will look slightly swollen, as well as surrounding tissues, such as the eyelids. The seriousness of the swelling and inflammation varies; it can be minimal or so severe that the eye swells shut. Although this looks painful, according to Pets Web MD, it usually is not.


    • Discharge can range from a clear fluid to yellow sticky pus-like substance. The type of discharge helps to determine the cause of pink eye. If the discharge is clear and the eye appears to be weeping, the cause is most often from allergies or a mild infection. Discharge that is thicker in consistency with a yellow hue it generally indicates a bacterial infection. You may even notice the eye stuck shut with some crusty formation along the edge of it. In a case where there is a discharge of pus, a condition called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or "dry eye," when insufficient tears are produced, can occur in addition to the pink eye.