Free Home Remedies for Mange

Microscopic bugs or mites that burrow into a dog's skin are called "mange." "Demodectic" mange is when tiny damodex mites multiply and the dog's body does not have the ability to fight them off. "Sarcoptic" mange, also called "scabies," is picked up from another dog and is highly contagious to both other dogs and humans.

Signs of mange include excessive scratching, licking, biting of the skin, red skin and hair loss. With demodectic mange, bald spots may appear under the body, face, neck, head, buttocks, legs and around the eye area. A dog suffering from demodectic mange may also exhibit a loss of energy and reduced appetite.

A veterinarian may typically prescribe a paramite dip or medication in severe cases. There are several home remedies that can be given to your dog to treat the mange, however, it is important to have a proper diagnosis by a veterinarian so that proper treatment may be given.

  1. Garlic

    • Mites do not like the sulfur compounds found in garlic. Apply diluted garlic oil topically to the affected area of the dog. The garlic also acts as an antibacterial and can help to minimize any bacterial infections that the dog may have. You may use licorice if the dog is sensitive to garlic, according to the website Natural Dog Health Remedies.

    Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax

    • Make a mixture of 16 ounces of 1-percent hydrogen peroxide and 1 to 2 tablespoons of borax. Wash your dog with the solution. Let the solution take effect by not drying the dog or rinsing the solution off.

    Cooking Oil

    • Apply a few drops of cooking oil to the patches of mangy skin on your dog. Oil can help fight the irritation associated with mange. The cooking oil can soften the waxy buildup left from the mites that appear on the dog's skin, while also killing mites in the process.

    Soapy Water

    • Wash your dog with soapy water to help clean the mites off of the skin. This will also disinfect the skin and help to stop the spread of mange to other parts of the dog's body, according to the website Mange in Dogs.


    • Omega-3 supplements may be given to the dog after the mange has been treated to help condition the skin.

      Use a miticide in your home to ensure that the mites will not reinfect your dog and wash your dog's bedding in hot, soapy water. Be extra careful when cleaning the dog's belongings so that the mites do not spread to you.

      A regular bathing routine can help heal your dog's scaly skin.