Deramaxx Alternatives for Dogs

Deramaxx, a NSAID (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drug), is used to treat arthritis in dogs. Unfortunately, there are many side effects associated with Deramaxx, including stomach ulcers, diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting. If your dog needs long-term pain management for arthritis, there are Deramaxx alternatives available, such as using natural supplements, which are safe and effective.

  1. Tumeric

    • Tumeric is an herb that has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is comparable to cortisone without the side effects. It lowers the histamine levels, which reduces inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Tumeric is a natural painkiller as well. It is available from most health food stores in powder or pill form, usually in 250 to 500mg capsules. Safe to feed to dogs on a daily basis, simply sprinkle the dried herb form on the food before feeding.

    Fish Oil

    • EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation. Fish body oil, such as salmon oil or EPA oil, is best to use. Commonly, fish oil gel caps have 300mg combined EPA and DHA. The dosage for your dog is one gel cap per 10 lbs. of its body weight daily. If you use gel caps at a higher concentration of 500mg EPA/DHA, then try one gelcap per 15 to 20 lbs. of your dog's body weight. Using fish oil as a supplement sometimes results in decreased levels of vitamin E. However, some fish oil supplements have extra vitamin E added to them. If the brand you chose does not, you can add vitamin E to your dog's daily regimen.

    Glucosamine and Chondroitin

    • Glucosamine occurs naturally in a dog's body from glucose, and it maintains and regenerates healthy cartilage in joints. Chondroitin, or chondroitin sulfate, a naturally occurring compound in cartilage, promotes healthy joints as well. A combination of the two is most effective in dogs with arthritis. Products made specifically for dogs contain vitamin C, which helps the dog's body absorb the glucosamine/chondroitin combination. Once your dog begins taking glucosamine and chondroitin, it will need to continue doing so for the rest of its life because arthritis symptoms will recur within four to six months.