How to Cure Diarrhea in Dogs With Black Tea

Black tea, like green tea, is said to have many benefits, including helping with diarrhea and other digestive issues. Black tea contains tannins, astringent chemicals that help the body create proteins, according to the website Professor's House. Studies have shown that these tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect, specifically on the digestive tract. Black tea can even be used to treat diarrhea in dogs.

Things You'll Need

  • 8 oz. water
  • Dog bowl
  • Black tea bag
  • Kettle


    • 1

      Put at least eight ounces of water into a kettle and bring it to a boil. Don't worry, you won't be giving your dog hot water.

    • 2

      Put a tea bag in your dog's bowl and pour the water over it. You can also brew the tea in a different cup and transfer it to the bowl.

    • 3

      Steep the tea. The authors of the article, "The Benefits of Black Tea," recommend brewing the tea for a full 15 minutes to release the maximum amount of tannins.

    • 4

      Remove the tea bag.

    • 5

      Put the dog bowl or the cup with the freshly brewed tea into the refrigerator. Though you can allow the tea to cool to room temperature on its own, putting it into the fridge will speed the process.

    • 6

      Put the tea out for your dog to drink. Since diarrhea can be dehydrating, your dog should be thirsty---thirsty enough to drink even this "strange"-tasting water. To help encourage your dog, remove any other drinking water source.