How to Treat Ear Mites & Yeast Infections in Dogs Ears With Home Remedies

Ear mites and ear yeast infections are two common canine conditions, especially for dogs with long ears. Some signs that your dog could have an ear-related problem include excessive scratching of the ears and an abnormal odor coming from the dog's ear. A dog with ear problems might also shake its head often in an attempt to relieve the itching. Ear mites can cause thick, black, crusty ear discharge and increased earwax, and a dog ear yeast infection can cause redness or swelling of the ear flap or canal and an ear discharge. Once you know the type of ear problem your dog has, you can begin treatment with home remedies.

Things You'll Need

  • Vegetable or olive oil
  • Eyedropper
  • Cotton balls
  • Yellow dock root extract
  • Psorinum or sulfur
  • Vitamin C


    • 1

      Clean out your dog's ears to remove any ear mite debris or excess ear wax that caused the yeast infection. Insert vegetable or olive oil into your dog's ear canal using an eyedropper. Massage the dog's ear at the base to distribute the oil. Clean around the ear opening using cotton balls to remove any debris. Regular cleaning helps prevent and cure ear yeast infections.

    • 2

      Mix 9 drops of yellow dock root extract and 1 tbsp. of water. Insert the mixture into your dog's ear using an eyedropper and massage to distribute. This will kill any ear mites. Repeat once every three days for six weeks.

    • 3

      Give your dog psorinum or sulfur, either by tablet or inserted into the ear with an eyedropper. These home remedies relieve irritation in a dog's ear caused either by ear mites or an ear yeast infection.

    • 4

      Give your dog a daily Vitamin C supplement. This helps the dog's adrenal glands work better, which reduces inflammation and irritation caused by ear mites or an ear yeast infection.