Heartworm Preventative Alternatives

Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) live in certain mosquitoes. These parasitic worms mainly infect dogs. All internal parasites can harm your dog's health, and an untreated case of heartworms can kill your dog. You can use alternative methods to prevent heartworms in your dog. Always check with your veterinarian before you give your dog any kind of supplement, natural or otherwise.

  1. Raw Diet

    • A diet that consists mainly of raw foods and fresh water serves as one of the best forms of protection against all kinds of infections, including heartworm. Your dog will thrive on a diet of raw bones, raw meat, and chopped, raw vegetables and fruit. You can also add a little bone meal to your dog's food. Avoid giving your dog milk and foods that contain sugar, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives.

    Strong Heart and Circulatory System

    • Since heartworms travel to and attack an animal's heart, your dog needs to have not only a healthy heart but a healthy circulatory system as well. This will ensure that your dog's red blood cells carry enough oxygen throughout its body to provide liveliness and that its white blood cells will be able to fight infection. To maintain a strong heart and circulatory system, give your dog plenty of exercise and a good antioxidant supplement. Antioxidants react with dangerous free radicals in the body, rendering them harmless. Antioxidants help slow down the aging process and aid in the prevention of disease.

    Healthy Immune System

    • A healthy immune system will help protect your dog from becoming infected with internal parasites, including heartworms. Your dog's healthy defense system will be able to kill off any heartworm larvae that might enter the bloodstream and prevent them from reaching maturity so they will cause no harm. Give your dog supplements that maintain healthy liver function for a healthy immune system.