How to Cure a Vomiting Dog

LIke diarrhea, vomiting is a common problem in dogs. While it can sometimes be serious, it is mostly a simple case of an upset stomach. Since dogs tend to eat almost anything they find lying around, they throw up those items as a part of the normal canine digestion routine. However, if you notice that your pet vomits repeatedly, even after a normal and healthy meal, you might want to learn how to treat and cure him. If these methods don't work, that could indicate a more serious condition, so make sure to consult a veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Boiled rice
  • Boiled chicken
  • Cottage cheese
  • Antacid


    • 1

      Inspect your dog's vomit to check its color, consistency and content. If you notice any blood, stool material or severely undigested food, do not attempt to cure the dog on your own but rather call the veterinarian immediately.

    • 2

      Put your dog on a temporary diet or a fast. This is almost always the first and most efficient method of solving a problem of an upset stomach. Do not worry about your pet being hungry or mistreated, because this type of an enforced fast is likely to clear up your dog's digestive system. Your pet can only benefit from this kind of a detoxing method. Make sure that the fast lasts no more than 24 hours, which is usually more than enough to recover from a light and benign case of vomiting.

    • 3

      Keep your dog from drinking any kind of fluid during the first 6 to 12 hours of the fast. Be careful that your pet doesn't find its own drink from rain puddles, pools and even your toilet bowl.

    • 4

      Give your pet a small amount of water as the diet comes to an end, allowing his digestive system to get used to fluids first and then solid food later. If during this period of time, the vomiting doesn't stop, you should call a veterinarian for consult.

    • 5

      Feed your dog bland food after the 24-hour fast. Try boiled rice or chicken without the skin. Also, you can try some cottage cheese--just make sure to dissolve it with some lukewarm water. Note that the amount of food needs to be very small at this point, in order not to upset the stomach right after the 'cleanse.'

    • 6

      Give the dog an over-the-counter antacid. You can give your pet the same kind of drug that reduces stomach acid that you would take. Overly acidic stomach content can lead to gastritis and thus excess vomiting, so this will usually cure your pet. If none of the steps listed above works, definitely take your pet to a veterinarian, since chronic gastritis can be fatal.