Why Is My Dog Passing Blood in the Urine?

There are many reasons why your dog may be passing blood in its urine. It is important to note other symptoms your dog may be having because it could help your veterinarian diagnose and treat your dog.

  1. Symptoms

    • Although the only symptom may be blood in the urine, other symptoms that may be present include lack of appetite, refusing to drink water, excessive tiredness or lethargy, and showing signs of pain such as whimpering.


    • Many different diseases and conditions can cause blood in your dog's urine. Some examples of these conditions are infections, kidney or bladder stones, trauma or injury to the dog, tumors, and poisoning.


    • Your veterinarian will probably run tests on your dog, and the tests may depend on the type of symptoms your dog is having. The veterinarian may take a urine sample to test for infections or poisoning. He may also take x-rays to check for bladder or kidney stones, tumors or trauma.


    • Treatment will depend on the underlying cause for the blood in the urine. If it is due to an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If it is caused by something more serious, such as a tumor or severe trauma, surgery may be needed.


    • If you notice blood in your dog's urine, see a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Blood in your dog's urine can be very serious and may cause damage to the dog if it is left untreated.