Symptoms That Aging Basset Hounds Have

Basset hounds have a gentle disposition making them wonderful companion dogs. They have short legs and heavy bones, which makes them sturdy and durable. Bassets also learn quickly in obedience, field and tracking. Despite their durability, aging Basset Hounds develop all the same ailments as other senior dogs.

  1. Glaucoma

    • Glaucoma causes increased pressure in the eyes by clogging the drain that keeps the eyeball moist. Basset hounds are very susceptible to this disease, especially as they age. Glaucoma usually starts in one eye and then moves on to the other. Symptoms of glaucoma in basset hounds appear as bloodshot eyes, eye cloudiness, the appearance of pink tissue that is often called a "third eyelid," loss of appetite and irritability. Glaucoma is painful to a basset hound and leads to blindness as the disease increases pressure, stretching and enlarging the dog's eyes. Blindness occurs quickly once the symptoms appear. Veterinarians treat basset hound glaucoma with eye drops or surgery to open the blockage.


    • Hypothyroidism commonly appears in aging dogs. The thyroid gland regulates the basset hound's metabolism, so thyroid disease causes many metabolic symptoms, such as fur loss, lack of energy, weight gain, the dog can appear cold, with a slow heartbeat and anemia. Veterinarians diagnose the disease with a blood test that measures thyroid hormone levels. If the basset hound is diagnosed with the disease, the veterinarian will prescribe thyroid hormone replacement medication.


    • Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints and eventually affects the mobility in senior basset hounds, especially when they first wake up in the morning or after a nap. Treating arthritis as soon as symptoms appear helps the dog to remain mobile. A healthy diet, exercise and a veterinarian's prescription for anti-inflammatory medicine helps relieve pain in arthritic basset hounds.

      Arthritis symptoms in senior dogs begin with lameness after exercise. As the dog gets older, arthritis symptoms progress into stiff joints, lameness, plodding walking pace and trouble getting up and down stairs. Basset hounds with severe arthritis need assistance standing up and they are always limp. The senior dog will stop climbing stairs, leg muscles will tremble and the dog will hop like a rabbit instead of running. The only way to help a senior basset hound with severe arthritis is through pain medication.