How to Get a Dog's Plaque Off

Your dog's teeth require regular care to stay healthy and clean. Plaque builds up on the teeth naturally from the combination of food and bacteria. If left untended, this plaque can harden to form tartar in just a matter of days. Plaque is easy to remove, but tartar is much more difficult to get rid of and may cause discomfort and gum disease. Prevent serious dental problems by cleaning the teeth before they become seriously dirty.

Things You'll Need

  • Gauze or dental wipe
  • Pet toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Dog treats
  • Dry dog food
  • Dental bones


    • 1

      Place your hand over the top of your dog's muzzle and gently draw back the lips so the teeth are exposed. If your dog seems apprehensive, you may want to begin by wiping his teeth with gauze or a pet dental wipe, which is a disposable moistened cloth designed to help clean your pets' teeth.

    • 2

      Apply a small amount of pet toothpaste to a dog toothbrush or soft human toothbrush. Never use human toothpaste on a dog as the ingredients can upset a dog's stomach.

    • 3

      Brush the teeth in smooth circular motions. When you have finished one side, proceed to the other. If you can only get a small area, focus on the top.

    • 4

      Reward your dog with a treat after each successful brushing. Some dental kits even come with treats designed to clean your pet's teeth.

    • 5

      Give your dog cry, crunchy food instead of wet food to prevent the buildup of excess plaque. Provide crunchy treats and dental bones, designed to rub plaque off your dog's teeth.

    • 6

      Visit your veterinarian at least once a year and have your dog's teeth cleaned professionally as often as is recommended by your vet.