Mucus in a Puppy's Stool

A health problem in a puppy can be frightening for a new dog owner. If a puppy develops mucus in its stool, a veterinarian can diagnose the cause of it and prescribe a treatment regimen to restore the puppy to full health.

  1. Mucus in Stool

    • Mucus in a puppy's stool is an indication that the puppy is experiencing a health problem within its intestinal tract. If the mucus is consistently present, then the problem could be serious.


    • Mucus coats the outside of a puppy's stool in a slick covering. The mucus can be mostly clear or bloody, according to "Puppies for Dummies."


    • Intestinal parasites like the protoazoan giardia and whipworms can cause mucus-coated stool in a puppy.


    • Giardia is treated with prescription medications like fenbendazole and metronidazole. Whipworm is also treated with medication, and heartworm preventatives can prevent reinfection in a puppy.


    • Intestinal parasites that cause mucus in a puppy's stool are contagious. In addition to treating the puppy, it is important to thoroughly clean the puppy's environment to protect it and other animals.