Canine Kennel Cough Side Effects

The official name for kennel cough is infectious tracheobronchitis. It is an upper respiratory problem that afflicts dogs and is highly contagious. If one kennel-housed dog gets it, all of the animals are likely to become afflicted. Kennel cough is most frequently the result of para-influenza virus, myscoplasma and Bordetella bronchiseptica.

  1. Humans

    • Humans can contract kennel cough, which can be very problematic for those with compromised immune systems. If you are a healthy adult, you are not at risk but immune-compromised adults and young kids should avoid dogs that are exhibiting symptoms of kennel cough.

    What to Look For

    • When a dog has kennel cough, he will have a dry hacking cough and may vomit after coughing. The cough sounds somewhat like a honking sound. A watery discharge may ooze from the dog's nose. In bad cases of kennel cough, the dog can get pneumonia, become feverish and lethargic and can die. Severe cases of kennel cough generally occur in unvaccinated pups and immune-compromised animals.

    Side Effects of Vaccine

    • There is a vaccine that can prevent kennel cough. However, there are side effects to the vaccine if the dog is allergic to the vaccine or if there is a drug interaction with another medication that the dog is taking. The dog may start vomiting, experience an increased heart rate, seizures and diarrhea. The site of the injection may swell.

    Other Dogs

    • According to Pet Education, a dog that is vaccinated then sheds the virus, which can cause other dogs to become infected, but only mildly so. The shedding process lasts about three days. It may take four days after being vaccinated for a dog to develop protection. If you have your dog immunized, do not allow him to come into contact with other dogs for a week. This will prevent him from infecting other dogs and other dogs from infecting him.


    • Antibiotics can treat animals that are running a fever, may have pneumonia and are not eating. If your pet has kennel cough, loosen his collar because the pressure on the trachea and throat will make coughing worse.