Fungus on a Dog's Feet

Fungi are both helpful and harmful to the environment. They help to decompose trash or make bread rise but when they infect a living host the fungi spread which can be disastrous.

  1. Paws

    • A dog's paw has pads that protect his feet. They are both strong and delicate. Though the pad provides traction on the ground, and shock absorption for the body, the pad can also be prey to infection.


    • Fungus is a plant-like organism that steals its food from whatever it has attached itself to. If the fungi have infected another living organism, it will also steal the organism's nutrients.

    Immune System

    • Fungi is naturally found on dogs. Most fungal infections inflict dogs with compromised immune systems. If the dog has a healthy immune system, he is most likely able to fight off the infection.

    Yeast Infection

    • Yeast thrives in warm, moist and humid environments. A yeast infection causes itchiness and can be found anywhere on the body. In between the toes is highly susceptible since it is a prime spot for the yeast to grow.


    • Contrary to its name, ringworm is a fungal infection and not a worm. It presents with a small round lesion that typically has scaly skin and no hair. Ringworm can be found between the toes due to the often dark, warm and moist environment. It may or may not be itchy.